Where do I even begin?! ... Trisha and I have been friends for over 16 years and although we're off doing our own things on the opposite sides of the country, she will forever be one of my best friends. When Jason and Trisha asked us to photograph their wedding after doing they engagement photos on the Cape, I was so incredibly excited! Of course we would. How could we not?! I'm just so grateful they even asked.
Nick and I started their wedding day off at this beautiful Spanish style AirBNB in Vista, CA where we photographed the girls getting ready. Right after we headed to The Wood Shed where we did their first look with Jason, and then with Trisha's Dad. This place was dreamssss. I'll let the photos do the talking but oh my, this place was heaven to shoot at! After the ceremony, we got through the family photos and the bridal party photos before getting the party started! We took a quick break at sunset to head to the top of a hill for more photos of Jason and Trisha then came back to watch the cutest slideshow of guests showing their love to them and too the yummiest brick oven pizza.
Often I feel so apart of my couples weddings. This one was on an all new level though. I don't think I can EVER express how much being apart of their wedding day has meant to me. Not only was the wedding so incredibly unique, it was so incredibly beautiful, real, raw. They have opened up a door to new part of the business I want to explore. Thank you for believing in us enough to bring us out to California. I still feel like I'm dreaming.. ✨